Privacy e Cookie Policy

Info of the Data Controller: Giammarco Saviano

For any questions you can contact us at the following contacts:


Phone. +39 081 180 88 004

Welcome to our website (“Website"). Please read carefully our Privacy Policy, which applies to your access to the Site and, more generally, to any browsing activity within it and the use of its services, regardless of the purchase of products. Following the consultation of the Site or for the effect of sending an e-mail through the “Contact" section or to an e-mail address indicated on the Website, in fact, personal data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed. . The present document, therefore, describes to the users (‘Concerned’) the methods of management of the treatment and it is also a disclosure made under the legislation on the Protection of Personal Data). This Privacy Policy also provides any useful information to understand how we collect and use information that identifies users. For any other information on our Privacy Policy you can contact the customer support of in the specific section of the site, indicating the motivation “Privacy".
The BRAND collects personal data and other information directly from its users in the context of online registration processes, through web pages dedicated to new commercial initiatives (eg landing page) or through the purchase order of products on the website for the conclusion of e-commerce transactions. These data are processed within the limits and the purposes described in the information presented to the user in the specific data collection section or in this Privacy Policy, including the possible communication to third parties for purposes instrumental to the provision of the service requested by the user (as better specified in the paragraph “To whom we communicate personal data").
Your personal data is collected and processed for purposes strictly related to the use of the website, its services (including marketing activities) and the purchase of products. In particular, your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:
* to provide the services of registration and access to reserved areas or specific services (as part of the registration processes to the website we collect the e-mail address, the personal data and / or shipment and the password through the related forms Online registration);
* where expressly requested, for sending the newsletter by e-mail;
* for purposes necessary to provide all information and assistance regarding the services and / or purchase of products on the Site (to provide assistance services we collect your personal data as part of the Customer Service in the “Contact Us" section);
* allow to refine the processes of purchase of products on the Site (we collect your personal data, such as personal data, e-mail address, postal address, credit card and bank details, telephone number using the order form );
* to provide information about browsing problems, browser compatibility and visualization or loading of the website pages (this is a collection and processing in the context of the request for technical assistance services);
* to prevent or discover fraudulent activities or malicious activities harmful to the Site;
* to allow the BRAND Giammarcosaviano to exercise his rights (such as the right to defense in court);
* to allow saving the products that you like the most in the virtual shopping cart;
* to book appointments IN BESPOKE IN THE WORLD;
* subject to express and specific consent, for marketing, analysis and profiling activities such as
    * information and / or commercial promotion through paper mail (or flyer) and telephone or via electronic communications such as e-mail, SMS messages and other automated systems available for the purpose, aimed at making new products known and improving the services offered;
    * market research and surveys on the quality of services and customer satisfaction, including by using specialized companies, with the aim of improving the offer of products and services;
    * profiling aimed at analyzing the needs, tastes, choices and consumption habits, including through electronic processing, to provide communications on products or services in line with the preferences and interests of users;
    * analysis on aggregated data of user behavior or analysis of user behavior on the website.
The processing of your data for marketing and profiling purposes requires your specific and distinct consent; however, we wish to inform you that for other purposes the Data Controller may process your personal data even in the absence of your consent in some cases provided by law (for example, when this is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation) or, when necessary for execute the obligations assumed contractually towards users (for example, if the user has purchased products on the Site) or have requested to use specific services through our website. All personal data are treated, therefore, exclusively for tasks related to the activity, whose legal bases – depending on the case – consist of:
* in consent (necessary for marketing purposes, profiling and / or transfer of your data to third parties or to customize the user profile on the website);
* in the execution of a contract to which the user is a member (eg to send information related to services via e-mail and / or text messages and / or any other means of communication for, for example, confirmation of order or inform of any changes to our services, to receive payments or transfer payments in case of return of a product) or pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the user;
* in the execution of legal obligations to which the owner is bound;
* in the legitimate interests of the Owner (as specified below).
Your personal data are mainly processed in electronic format and in some cases also in paper format. The activities of advertising, promotional and informational marketing on products and services, as well as for statistical analyzes aimed at detecting the degree of satisfaction of the services offered are carried out through traditional channels (such as paper mail and calls via operator), as well as through automated digital channels. (such as e-mail, text messages, browsers and social networks). The purposes for which your personal data are processed may in any case be made specifically known, from time to time, in the informative text that the Data Controller submits to the user on the page where the provision of personal data is requested. It may happen that the owner is dealing with personal data of third parties communicated directly by their users (for example in the case of the service “BESPOKE IN THE WORLD FIX AN APPOINTMENT".
As indicated above, SI may process your personal data for marketing purposes, subject to your express consent, using the contact details provided when registering on the Site. However, in the legitimate interest of the Owner, if the advertisement concerns similar products to those already purchased you can receive it at your e-mail address even without your express consent, provided that you have not refused such use at the time of your e-mail or on subsequent occasions (so-called “soft spam" as per Article 130 , paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, No. 196/2003). Likewise, we may process your data even without the consent to provide the services you have voluntarily requested (such as, for example, to measure the optimization of the efficiency of our advertising campaigns, to establish, exercise or defend the legal rights of the Owner or when the treatment is necessary to prevent fraud on the Website or guarantee the security and functionality of the same).
The provision of personal data (in particular personal data, e-mail address, postal address and telephone number) is necessary with regard to the conclusion of the contract for the purchase of products on the Site. Some of these data could be, vice versa, indispensable for the provision of other services rendered on the Site at your request or to fulfill obligations arising from legal or regulatory provisions. Any refusal to indicate the data necessary for these purposes could make it impossible to execute the contract for the purchase of products on the Site or to provide other available services – such as for providing assistance services – or, again, for correctly fulfill legal and regulatory obligations. The communication to the Data Controller of other data, other than those of obligatory conferment, for the purpose of fulfilling its legal or contractual obligations or for the provision of certain services on request, is instead optional and does not entail any consequence for the use of the website and its services or for the purchase of products. Depending on the case and, if necessary, from time to time you will be duly informed of the mandatory or optional nature of the transfer of your personal data to the Owner. We will highlight the compulsory or optional nature of the communication of your data, by means of a notice (“fill in this field") or a special character (*) for information that is mandatory or only the data necessary for the provision of services and for the purchase of products on the Website. We remind you that failure to provide optional personal data will not imply any obligation or disadvantage for our users.
Your personal data will not be transferred abroad to countries other than those belonging to the European Union, which do not ensure adequate levels of protection for persons. If this is necessary to provide the requested services (for example for some processing activities that could be delegated outside to suppliers not belonging to the European Union) or to conclude a contract for the purchase of products, we assure you that the transfer of personal data to countries that do not belong to the European Union and that do not ensure adequate levels of protection will be performed only after conclusion, between GIAMMARCO SAVIANO and said subjects, of specific contracts containing safeguard clauses and appropriate guarantees for data protection personal data (eg standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission) or only if there is another requirement that complies with applicable Italian and European legislation.
Users have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning them and their communication in intelligible form. Interested parties have the right to obtain an indication:
* of the content and origin of personal data;
* of the purposes and methods of processing;
* of the logic applied to the processing carried out with the aid of electronic tools;
* the identification details of the owner and managers;
* of the duration of conservation in relation to the specific categories of data processed;
* of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them, as managers or agents.
Interested parties also have the right to obtain:
* updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;
* cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or limitation of the processed data (eg if processed in violation of the law), including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed ;
* the portability of data to another holder;
* opposition to processing (eg for sending advertising or direct marketing material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication);
* opposition to any automated decision-making process (including profiling);
* the revocation of any consent given, where provided (it is specified that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent granted before the revocation);
* the attestation that the operations referred to in the previous points have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case where this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.
In part, this information is contained in our Privacy Policy; To learn more, you can contact our customer care at, indicating in the subject ‘Privacy’.
The right to object to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes can be exercised either towards the cds. automated methods of contact (eg e-mail, SMS, whatsapp or other social media, etc.), both towards traditional methods (paper and telephone mail); this right may be exercised in whole or in part (eg only by communication via paper mail or telephone or by opposing only to the sending of promotional communications via automated tools such as e-mails, text messages), also independently through the specific services provided user’s disposition (eg deselect the checkbox of the newsletter in the reserved area).
Finally, it is recalled that the data subject is always entitled to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data for the exercise of his rights or for any other matter concerning the processing of his personal data.
For exclusively organizational and functional needs and for purposes strictly connected and related to the provision of our services (including the sale of products), your personal data may be made available to third companies, contractually connected to the Owner, who perform specific services, as of data processors (for example, shippers or companies that carry out activities or provide marketing services). These subjects, in their capacity as Data Processors, will process your personal data exclusively on behalf of the Brand and exclusively for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy and, in any case, in compliance with the legal limits and any consents provided by you. To have a complete list of the managers who process your data, please contact our customer care in the “Contact Us" section or write to personal data will not be disclosed, transferred or transferred to third parties for purposes not permitted by law or without your express consent. In addition to companies that act as data processors, personal data are also made available to third parties (independent data controllers) who process data independently for the execution of the contract for the purchase of products on the Site and for ancillary purposes. related to the provision of services requested by the user (for example, for transactions relating to purchases, the credit institution for the execution of remote electronic payment services, by credit / debit card). By way of example and not exhaustive, below are some of the third parties with whom we work closely and which could be the recipients of the user’s personal data:
* business partners of social media platforms, which may offer link services (such as linking profile information) from their social media platforms to our website;
* service providers for the delivery of purchased products or payment management;
* service providers or IT solutions to support internal customer care or marketing (eg for the “Live chat" service).
Your data will not be disseminated. In any case, the communication or dissemination of data required, in accordance with the law, by law enforcement agencies, judicial authorities, information and security bodies or other public entities for the purposes of defense or security of the State or prevention, ascertainment or repression of crimes.
Your personal data is processed for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes and purposes previously listed. The criteria used to determine the retention period are established by:
1. specific laws that regulate the activity of Giammarco Saviano
2. from the period of stay as a subscriber to the newsletter (for marketing), in the absence of voluntary unsubscription;
3. from the fiscal legislation regarding the processing of administrative and accounting data (10 years); in particular, for the financial data (eg payments, refunds, etc.) the retention period required by applicable tax and accounting laws is applied.
With reference to the data collected for commercial purposes, however, the details of purchases referring to identifiable users are stored for 12 months (from the date of acquisition of such information) for the purpose of sending targeted commercial communications (profiling) and for 24 months to purposes of carrying out direct marketing activities.
The data object of profiling, therefore, can be conserved for such purpose only for a period not superior to twelve months from their registration, save the real transformation in anonymous form that does not allow, also indirectly or connecting other databases, to identify the interested ones (the profiling activity will be carried out using data strictly necessary for the pursuit of the stated purposes).
The personal data of the “registered" user, however, will be kept until:
* 12 months after account closure;
* 10 years after the last use on our website (eg access to personal area, purchase made by logged in user, etc.), if the user does not close the account.
Finally, the personal data of the customer may be retained up to the time allowed by Italian law to protect the legitimate interests of the data controller (Article 2947, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Civil Code).
For more information on the processing of personal data based on automated decisions and profiling it is possible to consult our Cookie Policy. In any case, if you subscribe to one of our services (eg in the “register" section of the website) through the authentication methods on social media (eg Facebook) you can access certain personal data (for example the name, surname , e-mail, etc.) in the social media account or user profile based on the terms of use applicable by those platforms. We may also collect some of your personal information when interacting with third-party social media features, such as “Like". Except for the cases indicated above and pertaining to the profiling of users’ behavior on the website and to the analysis of tastes and consumption habits, the brand does not carry out any other automated processing of personal data that may produce decisional effects such as to affect the legal sphere user.
The Data Controller, subject to specific information, may process your data for further purposes with respect to those indicated above, provided they are compatible with the initial purpose stated at the time of collection. In the event that the additional purpose is incompatible with the initial one, your consent will be necessary and you will be informed in advance with the possibility to update or modify your preferences (following the instructions provided), so that you can confirm or deny your consent for the use of your personal data. Your consent will not be necessary if the further processing carried out by the Data Controller is based on another lawsuit of lawfulness such as the fulfillment of a legal obligation of the Data Controller or the execution of contractual obligations.
This Site and its services are not intended for minors under the age of 18 and the Data Controller does not intentionally collect personal information about minors. In the event that information on minors were unintentionally registered, the Data Controller will delete them in a timely manner, even at the request of the users themselves.
This Privacy Policy is governed by European law and Italian law (Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, No. 196 and subsequent amendments) governing the processing of personal data of users of this site. These regulations guarantee that the processing of personal data will be carried out in compliance with fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the data subject, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.
The Data Controller will modify or simply update, in whole or in part, the Privacy Policy of the Site, also in consideration of changes in the law or regulation that regulate this matter and protect the rights of users. The changes and updates to the Privacy Policy of the Site, to users subscribed to our services, will be notified by e-mail and, in any case, will be made available on the Home page of as soon as they are adopted. We therefore ask you to regularly access this section to consult the most recent and updated Privacy Policy.
Last updated JULY 2018.
Information on the use of cookies by
By virtue of the decision of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, issued on 08.05.2014, this document intends to clarify to the User concerned the use of cookies by (hereinafter the Site) as prepared by giammarcosaviano .com (site)
1. What are cookies
Cookies are small text strings that the sites visited by the user send to his terminal (usually the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit of the same user. During the navigation on a Site, the user can also receive cookies on their terminal that are sent from different websites or web servers (so-called “third parties"), on which some elements may exist (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) on the site that the same is visiting.
Cookies, usually present in users’ browsers in very large numbers and sometimes even with long temporal persistence, are used for different purposes: execution of computer authentication, monitoring of sessions, storage of information on specific configurations concerning users accessing the server, etc.
2. Types of cookies used
The types of cookies used by the Giammarcosaviano website are indicated below.
Technical cookies
This type of cookie allows the proper functioning of certain sections of the Site. They are of two categories, persistent and session:
* persistent: once closed the browser are not destroyed but remain up to a preset expiration date
* session: they are destroyed every time the browser is closed
These cookies, always sent from our domain, are necessary to view the site correctly and in relation to the technical services offered, will therefore always be used and sent, unless the user changes the settings in your browser (altering the display of pages of the Site).
Analytical cookies
Cookies in this category are used to collect information on the use of the Site. The Company reserves the right to use this information to develop anonymous statistical analysis and improve the use of the Site, so as to make the content more interesting and relevant to wishes of users. This type of cookie collects anonymous data on the activity of users and how it arrived on the Site. Analytical cookies are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.
Third-party cookies
Our site also uses third-party cookies:
– to enjoy interactions with social networks (social plug-ins). The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by third parties. The management of information collected by “third parties" is governed by the relevant information to which reference is made. To ensure greater transparency and convenience, the following are the web addresses of the various information and how to manage cookies.
– to request information through social network accounts;
– to perform a statistical evaluation of the use of the Website through Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web traffic analysis service provided by Google that helps to understand how visitors interact with the contents of the Site. Google Analytics uses a set of cookies to collect information and generate statistics on the use of the Website without personal identification of individuals visitors.
– for using Google Adwords. The AdWords conversion tracking feature also uses cookies. To help us keep track of sales and other conversions, a cookie is added to a user’s computer when that user clicks on an ad. This cookie lasts 30 days and does not collect or monitor information that can personally identify a user.
3. Information on third-party cookies
We make use of various service providers (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) who, in order to provide their services, may insert cookies on your browser when you visit our Site. For more information on third-party cookies and how to use the cookies information collected by the third party, we invite you to consult the following links:
* Google (configuration):
4. How to disable cookies by configuring the browser
Google Chrome
1. Run the Chrome Browser
2. Click on the menu in the browser toolbar next to the window
URL entry for navigation
3. Select Settings
4. Click Show Advanced Settings
5. In the “Privacy" section click on the “Content settings" button
6. In the “Cookies" section you can change the following cookie settings:
– Allow data to be saved locally
– Change local data only until the browser is closed
– Prevent sites from setting cookies
– Block third-party cookies and site data
– Manage exceptions for some internet sites
– Delete one or all cookies
For more information visit the dedicated page.
For more information visit the dedicated page.
Mozilla Firefox
1. Run the Mozilla Firefox Browser
2. Click on the menu in the browser toolbar next to the url input window for navigation
3. Select Options
4. Select the Privacy panel
5. Click Show Advanced Settings
6. In the “Privacy" section click on the “Content settings" button
7. In the “Tracking" section you can change the following settings related to
– Ask the sites not to make any tracking
– Notify sites to be available to be tracked
– Do not communicate any preference regarding the tracking of personal data
8. From the “History" section you can:
– By enabling “Use custom settings" select to accept third-party cookies (always, from most visited sites or never) and to store them for a specified period (until they expire, when Firefox closes or ask each time)
– Remove individual cookies stored
For more information visit the dedicated page.
Internet Explorer
1. Run the Internet Explorer Browser
2. Click the Tools button and select Internet Options
3. Click on the Privacy tab and in the Settings section change the device
scroll according to the desired action for cookies:
– Block all cookies
– Allow all cookies
– Selection of sites from which to obtain cookies: move the cursor to an intermediate position so as not to block or allow all cookies, then press on Sites, in the Web Site Address box enter an Internet site and then press on Block or Allow
For more information visit the dedicated page.
Safari OS X
1. Run the Safari Browser
2. Click on Safari, select Preferences and press Privacy
3. In the Block Cookies section, specify how Safari must accept cookies from sites
4. To view which sites have stored cookies click on Details
For more information visit the dedicated page.
IOS Safari
1. Run the iOS Safari Browser
2. Tap on Settings and then Safari
3. Tap on Block Cookies and choose from the various options: “Never", “Third party and advertisers" or “Always"
4. To delete all cookies stored by Safari, tap on Settings, then on Safari e
finally on Delete Cookies and data
For more information visit the dedicated page.
1. Run the Opera Browser
2. Click on the Preferences then on Advanced and finally on Cookies
3. Select one of the following options:
– Accept all cookies
– Accept cookies only from the site that you visit: third-party cookies and that are sent from a domain other than the one you are visiting will be rejected
– Never accept cookies: all cookies will never be saved
The BRAND also makes the following information on the processing of personal data, stating that this treatment, as well as for the purposes identified in the previous paragraphs, also takes place in the terms of the following paragraphs.
5. Purpose of the treatment
The data that the interested User transmits to the Company will be processed for the following purposes, connected to the service offered and exclusively within it:
– for inclusion in the personal data in the company computer databases;
– for the development of internal statistics;
– for the issuance of transport documents, invoices and credit notes;
– for the keeping of ordinary and VAT accounting;
– for the management of receipts and payments;
– for the delivery of the products ordered on the Site
– for interaction with social networks;
– for the sending of commercial information relating to the services offered by the Company and the available news (new products, new customizations, limited offers over time, etc.);
– for the exchange of communications concerning the economic, administrative and commercial activity of the company (by telephone, mail, courier, e-mail);
– to meet the obligations established by law, regulations, community legislation, civil and tax laws.
6. Methods of processing
The treatment is carried out by means of the operations or set of operations indicated in art. 4 paragraph 1 lett. a), of the Privacy Code, that is through collection, registration, organization, conservation, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data.
The processing takes place both with IT tools, even automated, and with analogical instruments, adopting the appropriate security measures, aimed at preventing illicit use or loss of data, as well as unauthorized access.
7. Types of data
Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s computer environment.
This site uses cookies, as specified in paragraphs 1 to 4.
Data voluntarily sent by the user
If the User sends communications to the Company, the relative address is acquired, as well as any data contained in the communication.
8. Nature of the provision of personal data
The provision of data to the Company is mandatory, as necessary to provide the Service to the User, for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1. Failure to provide data, therefore, will result in the inability to provide the Service offered by the Company .
9. Communication and dissemination of personal data
The personal data of the affected User may be disclosed to third parties, where necessary:
– To all subjects, public and private, to whom access to the personal data of the interested party is recognized by legal provisions or by order of administrative and / or jurisdictional authority
– The data processors, employees, collaborators and suppliers of the Company, within the scope of their duties and the contractual relationship with them, for the execution of contractual obligations with the User concerned
– To companies producing the goods purchased by the interested User on the website, where necessary for the use of the asset by the interested User
– To post offices, shippers and couriers, where necessary to send documentation or other material to the interested User
– To juridical, public and private subjects (for example with a non-exhaustive list, legal or commercial studies, Chambers of Commerce, Authorities, etc.), where necessary for the activities carried out by the Company for the purposes set out in point 1
– Bank institutions for the management of receipts and payments
Data is not subject to disclosure.
10. Rights of the interested party
Pursuant to Article 7 of the Privacy Code, the interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form.
The interested party has the right to obtain the indication: a) of the origin of the personal data; b) of the purposes and methods of the processing; c) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; d) of the identification details of the Data Controller, of the data processors and of the designated representative pursuant to article 5, paragraph 2; e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the territory of the State, managers or agents.
The interested party has the right to obtain: a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case where such fulfillment is it proves impossible or involves a use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right. 4. The data subject has the right to object, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him / her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection; b) to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.
These rights may be exercised by the interested party with a request made without formalities to the Data Controller, to whom appropriate confirmation is provided without delay.
The request addressed to the owner or manager can also be sent by registered letter or e-mail to the following addresses:
11. Update
This information is subject to changes and updates, for which the User is invited to consult it regularly.

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling is developed in a wide sole guaranteeing the perfect combination of maximum comfort and elegance.
– At the time of purchase, refer to the TAGLIA – SIZE line to choose your size number:
1 Example: length of the customer’s largest foot 28.5 cm + 0.5 cm fit tolerance = 29cm (Recommended Size 42).
– 2 Example in cm: length of the customer’s largest foot 28 cm + 0.5 cm fit tolerance = 28.5 cm (Recommended size 41.5 or 41).
– 3 Example in inches: length of the customer’s largest foot 11″+ 0.2″ fit tolerance = 11.2″ (Recommended size 41.5 or 41).
– We recommend, if you have a high instep and / or a wide sole, to choose a larger size:
4 Example: length of the customer’s largest foot 28.5 cm + 0.5 cm fit tolerance = 29cm (Recommended Size 43).
– We recommend, if you have a measurement that does not fall within the precise correspondence of the shoe size, choose the size closest to the upside:
5 Example: length of the customer’s largest foot 28.9 cm + 0.5 cm fit tolerance = 29.4cm (Recommended Size 43).
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The intermediate fit, unlike the regular fit, adheres slightly more to the body but still ensuring maximum comfort for the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The well designed modeling is developed in “comfort fit”. It is given by large and voluminous shapes that guaranteeing perfect and maximum comfort.
– At the time of purchase, we recommend the following regarding the correspondence of italian sizes to international sizes:
XS: (groups the italian sizes: 44 – 46 – 48)
S: (groups the italian sizes: 50 – 52 – 54)
M: (groups the italian sizes: 54 – 56)
L: (groups the italian sizes: 56 – 58)
XL: (groups the italian sizes: 58 – 60)
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The well designed modeling is developed in “comfort fit”. It is given by large and voluminous shapes that guaranteeing perfect and maximum comfort.
– At the time of purchase, we recommend the following regarding the correspondence of italian sizes to international sizes:
XS: (groups the italian sizes: 44 – 46 – 48)
S: (groups the italian sizes: 50 – 52 – 54)
M: (groups the italian sizes: 54 – 56)
L: (groups the italian sizes: 56 – 58)
XL: (groups the italian sizes: 58 – 60)
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The well designed modeling is developed in “comfort fit”. It is given by large and voluminous shapes that guaranteeing perfect and maximum comfort.
– At the time of purchase, we recommend the following regarding the correspondence of italian sizes to international sizes:
XS: (groups the italian sizes: 44 – 46 – 48)
S: (groups the italian sizes: 50 – 52 – 54)
M: (groups the italian sizes: 54 – 56)
L: (groups the italian sizes: 56 – 58)
XL: (groups the italian sizes: 58 – 60)
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


*Please Note:
– The well designed modeling is developed in “comfort fit”. It is given by large and voluminous shapes that guaranteeing perfect and maximum comfort.
– At the time of purchase, we recommend the following regarding the correspondence of italian sizes to international sizes:
XS: (groups the italian sizes: 44 – 46 – 48)
S: (groups the italian sizes: 50 – 52 – 54)
M: (groups the italian sizes: 54 – 56)
L: (groups the italian sizes: 56 – 58)
XL: (groups the italian sizes: 58 – 60)
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:

*Please Note:
– The well-designed modeling guarantees a perfect “regular fit” giving maximum comfort to the wearer.
For any doubt or help in choosing your right size, you can contact us every day 24 hours:


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P. IVA 09068561217 ® Giammarco Saviano Tailoring Napoli
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